viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

vale`s life

I, Valentina Flores Azolas was born in Santiago in 1991. I am started my studies at Colegio Florida high school, in La Florida. I was all my life there place.

I left school in december 2009 and gave the PSU in this year. in 2010 I studied at a preuniversitario and  in 2011 i studied veterinary medicine at the university of chile in the faculty to veterynary medicine, of course.I study this carrere because i love animals and i would like to help them.

 My family is very special.I live with my mom Ivonne , my little sister Mariana (i love she), my two dogs, Princesa and Naomi, and my beauty rabbit Blanquita. I dont live with my dad but i see everydays.

I love go to gym, walk in a park , sleep, but my favorite  hobbies is painting and drawing. I went to a class of oleo and i love this. Also i love go out whit my friends becaause they make me feel very happy.

4 comentarios:

  1. I am your first comment too :D jaja,beautiful your blogs and picture.
    I know that you like draw especially when we are in class XD

  2. your notebooks are proof that you like draw, especially when the class are bored.

  3. Great blog and nice picture! I like it. :)
    I also like going to gym ..jaja lol (it's a joke xD)
    Now you can paint the drawings of anatomy class jaja. (bones :P )

    I see that we all love to sleep..zzzzzz

  4. Your post is so sweet :) i love the happyness that irradies your blog, this like me very much...

    never change your mind Vale!!! ajajaj

