viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

My career, veterinary medicine

when i was a child, my first dream job was to be a selling jewelry jajajaj ( of course when I was 5 years old), and after of this, my dream job was to be veterinarian, and look at me now ( i`m project of veterinarian ). At one moment a think that i can`t but now i thick that yes.

But, what made i decide to be a vet?...well, a thick that was my family. With my dad, in vacations, we went to visit the national parks and he teaches to the love by the animals. Also my grandmother. She was excellent person with the animals.

In a university i`m learning very much, because no only you can help the animals with love, you also have to kwon about how you can do that. In this place I am very happy and comfortable, and I kwon people very kind.

When I finish this career, I think that to I job in a clinic or in a hospital but I don’t know really. I can too job in a national park or I could be a teacher or an investigator and, in this case, I would work in a university or in a laboratory (jajajjaa why not).

5 comentarios:

  1. Hey!! I also wanted to become a veterinarian since I was really small :) We must study a lot! So we will be able to do whatever we want!!

  2. I like your first dream job jaja..
    Yes this career is very hard but with our plan we can made it! :)

  3. selling jewelry??? jajaja veterinary is the best career, ever jaja. (but the study very is hard and now, in summer!!! )

    good luck for the next tests!!!

    gretings :)

  4. selling jewelry.. wow... is a job that is'nt tipical, i like the dreams job no tipical ...

    Maybe we'll be colleagues in a clinic, and if no ... i'm go to visit to de national park with my family or to the zoologic :D...

    Good luke Vale!

  5. Must be very interesting work in national parks.
    selling jewelry can be a hobby and combinated with veterinaria
    See you tomorrow!
